Wednesday, August 3, 2016

wget - Downloading from the command line

When you ever need to download a pdf, jpg, png or any other type of picture or file from the web, you can just right-click on the link and choose to save it on your hard disk. This is possible for one or even up to five files, but more than that.

wget is a GNU program, which is used a lot in Linux, it can download pages, and files from the internet directly to your computer.

If you do not have it installed you can install on:

Debian or Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install wget
wget tips

Download a single file

Download the whole site recursively

wget -r
Download all files of a specific type: (pdf and jpg for example)

wget -r -A pdf,jpg
Follow external links

wget -r -H -A pdf,jpg
Follow external links only to specific server

wget -r -H -A pdf,jpg -D
Limit the levels you will dig when in recursive mode (default is 5)

wget -r -l 2
Limit the bandwidth used by wget (to 20KB/s in this case)

wget --limit-rate=20k

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Get free Backlink for your website

Backlinks are heart of SEO. Without backlink your website will not get a good position in search result and won't get indexed quickly. As you already knew there is two ways you can get backlinks one is Natural linking and another is paid or automated linking. Natural linking is worth to doing and it takes a while but if you don't have enough time, running a professional business website and need to reach a destination quickly, automated backlinking going to be your last choice. To make automated backlinks you will need to buy paid link package or if you just don't willing to buy links right now let's start with free. Here such kind of free backlink maker, free backlink generator listed. And definitively you have a chance to create 50000+ free backlink for your website. But you should also remember Google doesn't like it, I mean Google doesn't recommend it at all. Read on- + 50000 free backlink for your website

Index kings
Rapid website submitter index kings it will submit your website to various website statistic sites what will give you valued backlinks and your site will index and rank better on Google. So get free 15000 backlink with Indexkings additionally Deep Linking offers more +570 submission.

Y.M.E daily Backlink Builder
This backlink builder tool submits your URL to +11,500 different websites that automatically provide free backlinks for you. All of the websites in our list provide free website listings, site statistics, and site reports with dedicated URLs. 

BackLinkr automatically builds (+2500) of high quality backlinks for your webpage. Generated backlinks on well established websites which are frequently crawled by search engines, quickly helping with SEO and improving your page rank on all search engines.

Im talk website submitter
Im talk website submitter will make 1800+ free backlink for your website. These entire website’s are mainly Whois, about us, website review typo website. These backlinks are no-follow some of are do-follow but these website’s are frequently crawl by Google bot and other search engines.

2000 backlink
This free backlink builder tool will create 2500 page about you website and get you 2500 backlink. Some of are no-follow and some of do-follow but those websites are crawl regularly by Google bots.

Get Free Backlinks
This tool provided you with a list of where you can get or create up to 5000 more free backlinks

Seo unity
This free backlink builder tool will automatically submit your website url to 1853 different websites. Advantage of using this tool is every submission website has been collected and validated in a master list what are spam free and legally website. So get 1853 free backlink for your website

2500 backlink
It will give you 2500 backlinks instant

Free Backlinks Generator is a great tool for webmasters and service providers. All backlinks are from reputed web info sites and having various PR from 0 to 8. Mix of Dofollow and Nofollow. Creates 2500 backlinks

This would creates 2,500+  pages about your website with backlinks pointing back to your website. No-follow and do-follow mix but well established websites regularly crawled by Google

Ser Backlink
Generates Backlinks in 1 Click and Pings Them Automatically. Get a full report of all URLS, backlinks and pings that you generate, in real time. Automatically Generate And Ping 2500 Backlinks

Zone Auto Backlink
Creates pages about your website/blog on everyone of these websites, resulting in about 2500+ different pages with backlinks pointing back to your website. Some of them are no-follow and some of them are do-follow.

Excite submit
This tool will Submit and Ping your URL to 1,506 Websites and Services with one click.

Useme will automatically ping your link to 2400+ different websites such as free listings, and they are mainly info, who is, about us, website statistic, value, business listings and directories.

247 backlink
You will get 1000 backlink for free all you need to do is register and put your website address.

Free backlink tool
Create up to 500 free backlink pointing to your website from high authority websites within a minute with pinging. Register requires

Backlink generator
Get 325 automated backlinks from backlink generator. They say this tool is the best in backlinking. This tool will create for you High valued instant permanent backlinks.

Auto backlink generator pages
This generator will give you more than 240 backlink form different websites and automatically ping your website url

Webmaster deck
This tool will submit your website to 176 Whois and website review sites.

Free web submission
Automatically add your website address to 101 sites like free website listing, website reports with dedicated url. This tool is Spam free and contains no illegal sites.

100+ free real backlinks, 95% of the free backlinks are dofollow backlinks, receive more traffic with free backlinks

Free backlink builder
Free high pr do-follow backlink generator and ping service. It will get you 100 backlinks from highly ranked websites. This backlink builder is very useful tool for new websites to rank better.

Improve Seo rank
Submit your website to 100 highly ranked authority web properties and get fast indexing by search engines. These backlinks will be coming from Whois, dns and website review website.

Register and Get 45 high pr backlinks

Fast backlink builder linking to your website still in beta mode, generates up to 100 backlinks.

This tool automatically create 105 free backlinks to your site or page, then ping too.

Marketing blog online
An Auto backlink generator

Small Seo tools
Small Seo tool’s backlink maker will make 60+ high quality backlink for you

W3 Seo
A free backlink maker tool

Monday, July 11, 2016

How to fix PageSpeed Insights issues?

How to fix PageSpeed Insights issues?

<?php  if(!strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'Google Page Speed Insights')){?>
<jdoc:include type="head" />
<?php } ?>

So the code could go something like:

if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"Google Page Speed Insights") == FALSE) {
    //load our elements

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Laravel removing public from URL

Laravel removing public from URL:

Simple Steps To follow:

Rename server.php (In Root directory) to index.php
Copy .htaccess file from public directory to root directory

Friday, July 1, 2016

Mootools conflicting with Bootstrap Carousel

The mootools-more.js conflicts with the Twitter Bootstrap Carousel.

Use Bellow code

<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined' && typeof MooTools != 'undefined' ) {
// both present , kill jquery slide for carousel class
(function($) {
$('.carousel').each(function(index, element) {
$(this)[index].slide = null;

Redirect non-www to www in .htaccess

Many customers at some point request to force either the www or non-www version of their site to display in their visitor's browser. For example always have or simply display in their visitor's web browser. There is a common thought that forcing one format is better for search engine optimization. This article will guide you through how to perform this action in your .htaccess in the cPanel for your primary domain.

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule .* https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule .* https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

Cron Run through Wget in specific directory

If you know the name of the file ahead of time, you can use the -O option to wget to tell it where to write the file.

wget -O /public_html/vmfiles/signature/signature.php

Friday, June 10, 2016

Php Formatting Date and Time

Php Formatting Date and Time
Day of Month
d Numeric, with leading zeros 01–31
j Numeric, without leading zeros 1–31
S The English suffix for the day of the month st, nd or th in the 1st, 2nd or 15th.
l Full name  (lowercase 'L') Sunday – Saturday
D Three letter name Mon – Sun
m Numeric, with leading zeros 01–12
n Numeric, without leading zeros 1–12
F Textual full January – December
M Textual three letters Jan - Dec
Y Numeric, 4 digits Eg., 1999, 2003
y Numeric, 2 digits Eg., 99, 03
a Lowercase am, pm
A Uppercase AM, PM
g Hour, 12-hour, without leading zeros 1–12
h Hour, 12-hour, with leading zeros 01–12
G Hour, 24-hour, without leading zeros 0-23
H Hour, 24-hour, with leading zeros 00-23
i Minutes, with leading zeros 00-59
s Seconds, with leading zeros 00-59
T Timezone abbreviation Eg., EST, MDT ...
Full Date/Time
c ISO 8601 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00
r RFC 2822 Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200
U Unix timestamp (seconds since Unix Epoch) 1455880176


Here are some examples of date format and result output.

  • F j, Y g:i a - November 6, 2010 12:50 am
  • F j, Y - November 6, 2010
  • F, Y - November, 2010
  • g:i a - 12:50 am
  • g:i:s a - 12:50:48 am
  • l, F jS, Y - Saturday, November 6th, 2010
  • M j, Y @ G:i - Nov 6, 2010 @ 0:50
  • Y/m/d \a\t g:i A - 2010/11/06 at 12:50 AM
  • Y/m/d \a\t g:ia - 2010/11/06 at 12:50am
  • Y/m/d g:i:s A - 2010/11/06 12:50:48 AM
  • Y/m/d - 2010/11/06

Friday, March 4, 2016

How to Remove Joomla's Canonical Tag

This is to clear any misconception about having a self-referenced Canonical Link Element, as using one is not an issue, and how could it be - to say that the page you are viewing at this url is actually the one you mean to display (??)

Google is perfectly fine with this. As far as I know, it only Bing that has a recommendation to avoid using self-referencing canonical urls, but even if it exists it won't make the page not indexable.

Canonical URLs is not the reason that some of your pages have not been indexed by Google. If that was true, then none of your pages should have been indexed.

Google will not guarantee that will index all the pages of a website in a given time period.

$doc = JFactory::getDocument();
 foreach ( $doc->_links as $k => $array ) {
 if ( $array['relation'] == 'canonical' ) {

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

CodeIgniter Remove index.php By .htaccess

Steps To Remove index.php using .htaccess:-

Step:-1  Open the file config.php located in application/config path.  Find and Replace the below code in config.php  file.

//  Find the below code

$config['index_page'] = "index.php"

//  Remove index.php

$config['index_page'] = ""

Step:-2  Go to your CodeIgniter folder and create .htaccess  file.


.htaccess <--------- this file

Step:-3  Write below code in .htaccess file

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]

Step:-4  In some cases the default setting for uri_protocol does not work properly. To solve this issue just open the file config.php located in application/config and then find and replace the code as:

//  Find the below code

$config['uri_protocol'] = "AUTO"

//  Replace it as

$config['uri_protocol'] = "REQUEST_URI" 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Repeatable Form Field for Joomla

Joomla 3.2 added a nice feature introducing repeatable standard form field. Now it’s easy to add repeat fields just defined from the standard xml file of any joomla extensions. For each repeat box you can add multiple fields (joomla standard form fields ), means you can add fields under fields !

Now we will go more technical but will try our best to write it for new joomla developer.

<field name="list_templates" type="Repeatable" icon="list" description="PLG_TINY_FIELD_TEMPLATE_FIELD_ELEMENTS_DESC"
<fieldset hidden="true" name="list_templates_modal" repeat="true">
<field name="logoFile1" class="" type="media" default="" label="TPL_PROTOSTAR_LOGO_LABEL" description="TPL_PROTOSTAR_LOGO_DESC" />

How to use two models in one view - Joomla 3

Sometimes you may wish to reuse a certain function that resides in a model outside of your current scope. This helps you save time and reduce duplication. This can be achieved easily by adding the following codes.

Assuming you are trying to call a model "Categories" (/components/com_mycomponent/models/categories.php) belonging to com_mycomponent (this can be called from either within or outside of the com_mycomponent):

$categoriesModel = JModelLegacy::getInstance( 'Categories', 'MyComponentModel' );
// file name, full path
JLoader::import( 'product', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' .
 DS . 'com_virtuemart' . DS . 'models' );

$productModel = JModel::getInstance( 'Product', 'VirtueMartModel' );